Sunday, September 20, 2020

Dance, Magic, and Possibility


When dance choreography is created, there are infinite possibilities for every beat of the music. We see in our mind's eye different movement possibilities and then we make it real when we choose it. When a movement is chosen, it is manifested in our bodies and minds. We have made the possibility a reality.

We are living in a tumultuously chaotic time. No matter what your political affiliation, we all feel the dread and uncertainty of what could be barreling toward us. I have found comfort -- as I do even in normal times --  in dance and connecting with loved ones. 

Fear is aggressive and can make us forget that love is really the only truth. We have the power in every moment to choose love over the falsity of fear. 

Quantum physics sounds a lot like spirituality. But it is not. It is science.

-       Quantum physics tells us is that there are infinite possibilities (waves) contained in every moment. In the laboratory, waves (possibilities) collapse into a particle which is measurable and “real” when it is observed.

-        We live in a vibrational universe: like attracts like.

-        When we “observe” or focus on a future possibility, it collapses into reality – what we see unfolding in our lives.

-        Worry will attract the very reality we fear.

-        Love will attract the reality we desire.

Although I am by nature a worrier, I am attempting to focus on love. It is who we are. It is our families and friends, and (though sometimes it’s hard to see) it exists in the world around us. When we focus on love and all things that spring from love:









We will see the reality we want to experience. When we imagine the outcome we want and allow ourselves to feel the emotions that align with that outcome – we attract it to us. The possibility becomes reality.

It sounds like magic.

But love is magic. When we observe it and feel it, it is a reality. In fact, it is the only reality. We are sometimes distracted by evidence to the contrary -- False Evidence Appearing Real -- but love is infinite and indestructible. 

We need only remember.


  1. This is so wonderful and hopeful. We need to hear this so much right now! You are a beautiful light in the world. Thank you Sue

  2. This is such an inspiring post!! Love you soooo much! Let's keep loving eachother and fighting together against the fear and hate around us ❤

  3. Yes!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU! YOU inspire me!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. Another wonderful blog, my friend, reminding us all of what is real and where to focus our attention. Thank you for sharing your inspired viewpoint! ❤️❤️❤️

  5. So nice to read your insightful and loving words again, my dear friend. Trying times, indeed. Shifting our focus towards what is positive, truthful and loving is what we are all trying to do, I believe. Keep the faith. Love you.....
