I always liked the Led Zeppelin song, “Kashmir.” Years ago I found an instrumental cover of it by a band called Bond that I thought I could choreograph. The chorus of the song has a weird count – and by weird I mean that the count is 1-6. I am completely flummoxed by any music that does not have an 8-count. I liked this version, though, and thought it might be a stretch to use the Led Zeppelin version in class, so I had to re-imagine the chorus. I decided to try and fit it into an 8-count. What I got was: 1-2-3 and 4 and -- which strictly speaking is actually 6 counts. Somehow, I cannot wrap my brain around a six count. My body will not respond to that pattern. However, in the re-imagined count (that I made up), I could do it. And even though I made it up, it fit. The song is now danceable (at least for me).
I am trying a similar re-imagining with the situation in the wider world that we share. When I look around, it is difficult not to fall headlong into fear, worry, and even despair. But what if all this turmoil, acrimony, and hatred is “woundedness” coming to the surface in order to be healed? What if we decided to think of it in this way? What if we superimposed on the relentless beat of hostility a new beat – one we could understand, one we could dance to? If we reimagine the chaos we see happening all around us, we can think of it as a wound coming forward into the light. It couldn’t be healed if we didn’t see it.
And all we have to do is be the love that we are. We can carry that vibration knowing it is felt by everyone.
We can re-imagine our rhythm, our song. One we can dance to.
I love this perspective on our world today. So healing which we are in dire need of. Thank you Sue! xo