Dance is my mantra.
While dancing, if I can let go of “thinking,” I can drop into the space
between my thoughts. At these times, dance
helps me remember who I am. It creates
space in my mind and heart for new ideas and perspectives.
However, sometimes I can’t let go of my thoughts. When I am trying to “think” my way to the
next step it invariably causes me to immediately forget the choreography. In those times, I am dancing but not allowing
myself to let go of the words in my head.
I can get out of my head or not, I am still happy. I still get to dance. But the times when I
can really go within while moving are heart-opening, joyful, and (potentially) transformative
– like all forms of meditation.
When I am having trouble emptying my mind, I
sometimes use a silent mantra in a sitting meditation. Usually it’s just “ohm,” but it really works
for me.
A mantra in meditation helps you suspend the relentless
flow of words that usually crowds your consciousness. It opens your mind. It creates the space for something new and
And then there are the things we habitually and
unconsciously say to ourselves that are negative and hurtful. (“I’m not good
enough,” “I’ll never be successful at this,” “Why did I say such a stupid
Because we repeat these thoughts over and over, they
become a mantra, too, but one that is debilitating instead of liberating.
Habitual negative thoughts about yourself are
dangerous when used like a mantra because they allow no other thought to come
in. Rather than opening the mind, they narrow
It is worth looking within to see what negative
mantras we have accumulated. I know I
have many. Not as many as I used to, but
still quite a few.
Examination and awareness of the damage we do to
ourselves (and the healing of that damage) helps everyone. Often healing comes just from the act of bringing
the hurt into the light -- and in these troubled times, that is enlightened,
not selfish.
I will close with this quote from Lao Tse. It was posted on Facebook by one of my
“If you want
to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.
you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is
dark and negative in yourself.
the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”
Lao Tse
Photo by MaryEllen Hendricks
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