I choreographed a song called “We Are Young” by the band, Fun. There is a part of the song that says “set
the world on fire.” I loved the way that sounded. It felt like an “opening” to me, especially
on the word fire. I started
the movement from that. It was
a 4 count, and the rest of the choreography just sort of fell into place from
that spot. (If only it was always that easy!)
It makes me think that when we start anything with
fire and passion, everything falls into place around that feeling. Joy has its own vibration and attracts more
of the same.
When we do something that feels like a slog,
everything around it feels like drudgery.
On the other hand, our true nature is joy and
passion. So when we feel passion about
whatever it is we are doing, everything falls into place.
Like the band’s name, it makes life more Fun.
Agreed: To me, passion, fun, and joy are necessary elements of life. Keep setting the world on fire, my friend!